Senior Manager - HR at PeopleOne Technology, Chennai
PeopleOne delivers next-gen, cloud-based learning management system technology that represents a whole new way of thinking about learning. Based in Silicon Valley, PeopleOne serves customers from offices in the US, Europe and Asia, and provides a full range of LMS delivery and support services to ensure smooth transitions from legacy systems, rapid technology deployment and sustained learning success.
What sets us apart is more than 15 years of experience helping large organizations successfully deploy, manage and expand LMS software in a wide range of environments, all over the world. And we've leveraged this unmatched, real-life experience to build ExpertusONE from the ground up as a truly dynamic, cloud-based, next-gen LMS
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Given below is our address:
PeopleOne Technology Pvt. Ltd.
6 Floor, A Block, West Wing,
Global Infocity Park (Earlier called SP Infocity),
40 MGR Salai,
Chennai 600 096.
Phone: 044-30900999