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Zonal Business Head - BFS

15 - 20 Years.Bangalore
Posted 1 year ago
Posted 1 year ago

Key Responsibility & Description

Business Development & expansion (30%)

1. Ensures identifications of the potential regions / areas for expansion of business in a zone

2. Ensures potential client base and product acceptability in new region / areas

3. Assesses opportunities for geographic expansion of operational area and setting up of new Region(s)

4. Ensures business growth and diversity of products in the zone as per business plan

5. Analyzes productivity, efficiency gaps of regions and areas and plug the same

Portfolio and Risk Management (25%)

1. Ensures RH is taking preventive and curative measures in the region to maintain high quality portfolio

2. Ensures rules and norms of the company related to HR, Admin, training are adhered strictly in pursuit of the risk management and defined process

3. Assisting the Business Head in formulating the strategies regarding portfolio and risk management in the region

Monitoring and Quality Control (15%)

1. Ensures rules and norms of the company are adhered strictly in pursuit of business growth in the zone

2. Visits Regions and field to observe field activities to ensure these processes are followed in compliance of the operational policy and procedure in the region

3. Reviews MIS and bank transactions to check and ensure accuracy

4. Closing the audit actions of the critical cases in the Zonal level

5. Guiding RH, Zonal HR, IT, Training & Admin to accomplish their work as per defined policy and process

6. Overseeing the functioning of the Zonal and Regional offices

Regional and Zonal Team Management (20%)

1. Provides guidance and training to ZO staff and Regional Managers

2. Provides feedback to the ZO staff and the Regional Managers to improve performance

3. Resolves internal conflicts at ZO level and also within the Regions

4. Helps Regional Managers with support of Zonal HR in identifying star performers and the low performers in the zone & region.

5. Guiding and training HR in recruitment and training of new employees at ROs

Public relations (10%)

1. Develops rapport with other MFIs in the Zone, attends meetings convened by sectoral platforms like MFIN, Sa-dhan, etc.


- Zonal Head is responsible for Business of 4-6 Regions, each Region comprising of 25-30 branches. The position will work closely with the Senior Management to drive.

- Growth & Quality of portfolio, keeping profitability of the Zone as the topmost priority.

- Managing growth plans for the zone, overseeing the functioning of the Zonal Office with HR, Admin, Training.

- Customer acquisition & retention complying Process and Regulatory requirement.

Working closely with functions like Risk, Credit & Audit and support functions at Head Office (Finance, HR, Administration, IT etc.) as well as external stakeholders to support achievement of vision and mission of the organization.


Minimum Qualifications: Masters in Rural Management, Marketing, Business administration

Minimum Experience: 15 - 20 year (Sales or Operations)

Desired Skill: Dynamic, articulate, hard-working and interpersonal skills with knowledge of MS Office.


Direct Reporting : 4-6 RH both functional & administrative reporting, 1 ZHR, 1 Zonal Training Manager, Zonal Admin-only administrative reporting.

Indirect Reporting: Area Managers.

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