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Senior Manager - Industrial & Public Relations
Roles & responsibilities:
Responsible for maintaining smooth functioning of plant operations, and a positive work environment within the factory and harmonious relationship with neighboring industries and other stakeholder surrounding the industry. Ensures compliance with IR-related legal and regulatory guidelines.
Preferred candidate profile:
Industrial Relations:
- Establish and maintain peaceful and harmonious Industrial relations for uninterrupted and smooth plant operation.
- Handling Employee Grievance and timely resolution of their grievances.
- Long Term Settlements, Analyzing Charter of Demands and ensure amicable settlements.
- Monitoring and coordinating with Legal advisors/lawyers regarding court cases and filing suits, appearing in courts for Labor related cases.
- Effective implementation of various committee recommendations viz. Canteen, Grievance committee etc.
- Ensure proper handling of disciplinary cases, settlements of disputes
- Coordinating and educating the Line Managers and other staff members on compliance of Legal, regulatory and other requirements pertaining to employees and labour.
- Monitor and ensure all the 17B wages are paid on time.
Liasion & PR:
- Ensure cordial relationship with all Govt. Officials, viz. DISH, EPF, ESIC, Panchayat, BDO etc.
- Ensure cordial relation with surrounding villages and other stake holders.
- Liaison with Govt officials for on time renewal of all licenses.
- Closely interacting with Press & Media, influential persons in the surrounding.
- Maintain cordial relationship with neighboring industries.
- Monitor and Ensure timely renewal of all statutory licenses.
- Monitor and ensure compliances of all labor statutes.
- Monitor timely submission of returns under various labor statutes.
- Interpretation and implementation of various labour laws and its amendments time to time.
- Monitor and ensure all statutory documents are available and update.
- Ensure payment of Full and final settlements on time, across all locations.
- Monitor and ensure monthly salary inputs are provided on time.
- Preparation of annual budgets for Ranipet employee welfare & engagements activities, administrative expenses, legal expenses etc.
- Closely monitor and adherence to the budget through monthly MIS and initiate corrective action in case of deviations incl. Royapuram
Contract Labour Management:
- Oversee and monitor all contractors complying with all labour laws.
- Monitor and ensure the registration of contractor is update.
- Ensure all the contractor employees follow the safety norms of the company.
- Monitor contractor bills for their correctness.
- Monitor timely disbursement of salaries and fulfillment of statutory requirements by contractors.
Time office:
- Oversee and monitor attendance system in the organisation.
- Necessitate disciplinary actions/counselling for habitual late comers/frequent absentees.
- Oversee and ensure all statutory records available and update.
- Coordinate with Line managers to bring in discipline on late coming and absents.
Employee Engagement and Welfare:
- Monitor and ensure GPA, GMC policy for all employees.
- Ensure Canteen facility, Hygiene, arranging medical checkups of employees in co-ordination with Hospitals, Safety to all employees.
- Ensure smooth Conducting of Sports events, Company day programs and other functions like safety day, environment day
Administration & Others:
- Monitor proper security is provided in the factory on 24 x 7 basis.
- Cordial relationship with nearby police stations.
- Ensure intelligence gathering and react on need basis.
- Oversee and ensure overall hygiene of the factory
- Provide support to group companies on need bases.
UG: B.A in Any Specialization, LLB in Law
PG: MBA/PGDM in HR/Industrial Relations
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