Job Purpose:
- Planning & forecasting for CS - Planning for volumes, staffing, business- revenue and cost to income
- Performance management & Insights for Customer service
- Business Process reengineering & enabling performance & customer experience
- Exception management - Extraction of exceptions on processes performed by the front end teams for course correction & prevention of loss to bank and customer.
Job Responsibilities:
- Business Planning forecasting for CS function : Close working with cards business to keep abreast of trends of cards sales and portfolio interventions for appropriate business forecasting of volumes at the contact center. Map and plan channel needs with business requirements and present the requirements to the Product Head and Function head in a timely manner for further inputs and progress. Analyse trends of calls and verify plan versus actual for validating vendor projections and where required have the ability to challenge and course correct.
- SLA reporting: Verify and audit SLA reporting from inhouse & outsourced vendor and ensure that there are no mismatches and imperfections in the reporting.
- Sales Planning: Assist the product head in identifying opportunities for business and provide meaningful information from raw data for publishing and reporting channel sales initiative. Ensure daily tracking of sales progress and update product head on the actual versus plans.
- Management reporting for CS , Reports, Newsletters and Senior Management updates: Action status report preparation on service. Holding custody of all data and information with regard to the numbers and making the same available for all senior management presentations.
- Ensure that records of volumes, staffing ,approvals of costs - HR, technology, outsourced partners costing are all held under easily retrievable custody.
- Exception reporting: Extract reports from back end systems of Vision plus,egs. ATH reports and other systems like Access plus , CRM on front end action and design exception reports for checking transactional accuracy and errors and exception rates.Publish the exception reports regularly and also validate the relevance constantly as the systems and process change dynamically.
- Projects: Undertake channel level projects on improving experience across the various customer touch points as per management needs and industry trends.
- Compliance: Ensure highest level customer confidentiality w.r.t. data, conversation, audit trails etc..
- Business Process Reengineering (BPR) for customer facing process to reduce TAT & internal process to simplify & enhance efficiency balancing operation risk.
- Drive identified Improvement Projects with a target to create an impact on the Service Delivery, Business Improvement, Cost Reduction & Sales force effectiveness
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