Lead Marketing Analytics (MMM)
Job Description :
- Responsible for leading the team of data scientists in the area of marketing analytics such as marketing mix modelling, price and promotion, forecasting etc.
- Must be able to guide the team in formulation, model development and implementation by liaising with business stakeholders to explain the model outcomes.
Roles & Responsibilities :A) Performing statistical modelling of data to identify insights
a. Understand the business problem in detail and identify relevant data needed to answer key business question.
b. Identifying the statistical technique(s) that will address business question at hand and create an analytical framework as part of the solution
c. Perform exploratory data analysis to check errors/outliers/missing values in data, identify data patterns and develop methods to treat these nuances
d. Perform modelling of data sets using identified statistical modelling techniques/framework.
e. Create and Check model diagnostics to reflect the data patterns and ensure the models are representing data patterns.
f. Interpreting the results obtained through models with business/logical understanding and identify the insights /action points
g. Communicate the insights in simplistic and clear action oriented fashion to the brand teams
B) Develop the documentation/process-flow of implemented analytical solutions
a. Creating the documentation of steps performed of implemented analytical solution
b. Organization of SAS/R/Python code
c. Development of training materials to train data management team
C) Involve yourself in research and development of new modelling techniques/methods.
D) Good analytical thinking skills
E) Ability to communicate clearly and precisely
F) Expertise in statistical methods/concepts
a. General Linear Models: Simple/multiple regression/hierarchical models/ANOVA/ANCOVA/MANOVA
b. Generalized Linear Models: Logistic/Logit/Probit
c. Multivariate techniques: Factor, cluster, discriminant, correspondence
d. Time series methods: Forecasting techniques/ARIMA/longitudinal data techniques
e. Discrete Choice models/Conjoint/proportional hazard/survival models
G) Expertise/Familiarity using statistics software
a. SAS / R / Python
b. MS Office/Excel/Word/PPT
Preferred Skills & Qualification :a. Experience in building marketing-mix-modelling/pricing analytics/marketing analytics in CPG/FMCG Industry
b. Ability to handle large volumes of data/accessing databases through SAS and/or other ETL software (Telecom/banking/Finance/Retail)
c. Experience: 5 -7 years (preferably with 2-3 years in FMCG / CPG/ Retail Industry) in building analytical models such as Marketing Mix Modelling.
d. Post-graduate degree in statistics/mathematics/Economics field with 6-8 yrs of experience in building advanced statistical models.