Technology at Dream11:
Our tech team is the core of Dream11's mobile-first cross-platform (desktop + mobile PWA, android & iOS) product serving more than 10 Crore users with over millions of rpm (requests per minute) at peak concurrency.
Our tech stack is hosted on AWS and is built on Cloudfront / AWS API Gateway, NGINX, Node.js / Java, Redis / ElastiCache and MySQL / Cassandra as our end to end stack. Besides these, we heavily use MongoDB, Kinesis, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Spark, Redshift and other cutting-edge techs to keep improving Dream11's performance. As a data-driven team, we also use R, Python and other big data technologies for Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics.
Your Role:
- Find insights that influence decisions (particularly new product/feature ideas). This work will span from early data explorations about user behavior, to multivariate experiments and optimizations
- Lead the structure and analysis of A/B tests, help size opportunities to prioritize features
- Work very closely with other teams of Dream11 for requirement gathering and analysis
- Analyse and provide recommendations to influence our product and company strategy
- Provide user insights through data: cohorts analyses, user segmentation, long-term trends, and behavioral analyses
MUST have:
- Advanced problem-solving skills
- Expertise in deriving insights from large datasets across multiple sources and are fundamentally strong in data analytics and statistics
- Understanding of key analytical techniques used in consumer web services including funnel analysis, conversion & drop-off rates, and cohort analysis
- Experience in BI Tools like Tableau, Looker, PowerBI, Qlikview, Spotfire, etc.
- Have experience with statistical analysis languages, e.g., R, MATLAB
- Die-hard Cricket and/or Football Fans
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