Posted By

Jinesh Pagaria

Admin at HR Lab

Last Login: 10 January 2025







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Deputy Manager - Accounts - CA

Job Description:

1. Reporting under SAP BPC/Gr Reporting module for 10+ entities consolidation (ERP used is SAP-ECC/S4 HANA

2. Handling quarterly review and year end audit with complete control over financial results and financial statements (including cash flow statement)

3. Handling quarterly presentation data inputs with detailed financial analysis Working on automation of audit requirements including cash-flow (through SAP reports and other mode).

4. Development of reports under BPC/GR in HANA. Manage transition to new requirements under Schedule III, CARO 2020, SEBI LODR changes and Ind AS changes.

5. Preparation and analysis of variance reports for different business segments.

6. Cater various information and console at company level and ensuring all are as per INDAS

7. Preparation of Notes to accounts Compliance with INDAS, other relevant applicable GAAPS and other relevant provisions of SEBI, MCA, ICAI etc.

8. Ensuring adhoc requirements by management for various purposes.

9. Involved in other activities as per need of the department.

10. Handling Subsidiaries book keeping and financials and handling audit there of Preparation of end to end AGM dossier required by company for annual general meeting

Desired Candidate profile:

- Qualified CA with experience of 2-5 years.

- Knowledge on IndAS, IFRS reporting, SAP.

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