Posted By


Archana Mandre

Human Resources at CSB Bank

Last Login: 22 December 2021

Job Views:  
Applications:  381
Recruiter Actions:  41

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CSB Bank - Relationship Manager - Corporate Banking

Posted 3 years ago

Wholesale Banking : To build and nurture relationship with clients in the corporate segment and generate business and revenue for the bank. To handle 30 to 35 clients at any time. To sell and cross sell various products offered by the bank to these customers

Sourcing :

- Conduct market study and prepare market maps to streamline sourcing

- Cold-call on potential clients and constantly track their demand for banking requirements

- Conduct market visits and promote Bank's various products to prospective customers

- Periodically visit existing customers and identify opportunities for up-sell and cross-sell

- Participate in product promotion events organized in partnership with key industry stake holders

- Respond to loan requests received through external channels - Financial Advisory service providers, Chartered Accountants, etc

Credit Underwriting & Credit Rating :

- Collect KYC documents, financial statements and other collateral related documents from borrowers

- Conduct borrower and collateral de-dupe checks in the system

- Coordinate with credit analysts and complete minimum eligibility checks

- Conduct personal discussions, perform secondary research & prepare market study reports

- Analyze financial statements and credit score applications

Pre and Post disbursement :

- Coordinate with borrower to accept the sanction letter complete signing of loan agreement and T&C documents

- Coordinate with Credit Admin team for completing compliance checks before disbursement of credit facility

- Coordinate with Central Operations team for account opening

- Monitoring of the account post disbursal

- Ensure compliance with sanction terms

Product :

- Assist Product Team in new product launches by conducting market studies

- Conduct marketing activities to promote new products launched

- Any other tasks assigned by the bank

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Posted By


Archana Mandre

Human Resources at CSB Bank

Last Login: 22 December 2021

Job Views:  
Applications:  381
Recruiter Actions:  41

Job Code



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